Crochet sheet ghost


This is a quick simple sheet ghost project. Great for Halloween decorations.

SC = Single Crochet
Inc = 2SC in the same stitch
Dec = 2SC together
Ch = Chain
Sl St = Slip Stitch
St = Stitch

Numbers in bold show multiple rows same stitch pattern. 


Round 1: 6 SC into a magic circle. (6)
Round 2: Inc in each stitch around. (12)
Round 3: *1 SC, Inc in next stitch* Repeat around. (18)
Round 4: *2 SC, Inc in next stitch* Repeat around. (24)
Round 5- 11: SC in each stitch around. (24)
Round 12: 1 SC, *Ch 6, SC in the second chain from the hook, 1 SC in each St down, Sl St in the same stitch you started the chain in, 6 SC* Repeat between * * 4 times.
Round 13: *Dec, 8 SC, Dec, 4 SC* Repeat between * * 4 times.
Round 14: *Dec, 7 SC, Dec, 3 SC* Repeat between * * 4 times.

Finish off and cut yarn.
